rmalliance2017@gmail.com 0267074722, 0244719686 Dr Lydia Aziato


Welcome to Research Mentorship Alliance

Research is the bedrock of knowledge development for professions including nursing and midwifery. Over the years credible research and publications among nurses and midwives especially those in Ghana and in Africa has been very low. It is noted that research skill development is necessary to enable nurses and midwives undertake rigorous research that will result in publications of findings in peer-reviewed credible journals.

The founder of RMA Dr. Lydia Aziato has over the years committed to research skill development and has achieved international recognition (STTI Emerging Nurse Researcher Awardee 2017 for Africa) for engaging in credible research in Africa. She achieved this feat as a result of effective mentorship from senior academics across disciplines. In view of this, she has been engaged in mentorship activities at different levels from PhD students to undergraduate students locally and internationally. The founder has a strong belief that nurses and midwives can escalate their research skills if they are provided with the right mentorship.

The desire to see the body of knowledge in nursing being increased with the advantage of improving the clinical practice of nursing has driven the passion for research and mentorship to establish this Non-Governmental Organization with support from mentors, collaborators, colleagues and students to provide a credible platform for acquiring research skills and conducting cutting edge research for nurses and midwives and other related disciplines who require support.

 Dr.Lydia Aziato (PhD, RN) – Founder  
researchgate — Lydia Aziato
Linkedin       — Dr. Lydia Aziato